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white gloves 〔英國〕(送給閑職法官的)白手套。

white gold

Executive force of law military school is in the united states on the west a cold winter , the president of this school should be in inspect recruit to train a circumstance the following day , he gets off wear the white glove on the hand to give the guarder beside , teach him to be washed clean give him in the morning the following day , after then this guarder washs the glove clean , shook with the hand one whole evening 美國西典軍校執行力在一個嚴寒的冬天,該校的校長要在第二天檢閱新兵練習情況,他取下戴在手上的白色手套交給身邊的衛兵,教他洗干凈第二天早上給他,于是這個衛兵將手套洗干凈后用手搖了一整晚。

The evening of the day on which the count of morcerf had left danglars house with feelings of shame and anger at the rejection of the projected alliance , m . andrea cavalcanti , with curled hair , mustaches in perfect order , and white gloves which fitted admirably , had entered the courtyard of the banker s house in la chauss e d antin 就在馬爾塞夫伯爵受了騰格拉爾的冷遇含羞帶怒地離開銀行家的府邸的那天晚上,安德烈卡瓦爾康蒂先生帶著鬈曲的頭發式樣美觀的胡須以及松緊合宜的白手套,走進了安頓大馬路騰格拉爾爵府的前庭。

The culprit , 1 . 78m ( 5 10 “ ) tall , strong build , speaks punti , wearing a dark coloured balaclava , a long sleeve red coloured pullover , dark coloured sports trousers , a pair of white gloves and carrying a black coloured bag , is wanted by the police in connection with this case 他的外貌詳情如下:男子,身高一點七八米(五尺十寸) ,身材健碩,講本地話,以深色頭套蒙面,身穿紅色長袖上衣、深色運動褲、白色手套,當時手持一個黑色袋。

As for m . de villefort , he fulfilled the predictions of h lo ? se to the letter , - donned his dress suit , drew on a pair of white gloves , ordered the servants to attend the carriage dressed in their full livery , and drove that same night to no . 30 in the avenue des champs - elys es 正如愛洛伊絲所說的,維爾福先生穿上一套黑禮服,戴上了一副白手套,帶上最漂亮的仆人,驅車直奔伯爵府而去,于當天傍晚到達了香榭麗舍大街三十號房子門前。

The tsars foot , in the narrow - pointed boot of the day , touched the belly of the bay english thoroughbred he was riding . the tsars hand in its white glove gathered up the reins and he moved off , accompanied by the irregularly heaving sea of adjutants 他腳上穿著當時流行的狹窄的尖頭皮靴,輕輕地踢了一下他所騎的那匹英國式的棗紅大馬的腹股溝,又用那只戴著白手套的手拉緊了韁繩,于是在微波蕩漾的海洋般的副官伴隨之下策馬上路了。

Daguenet , his neighbor , smilingly examined him ; the public laughed , as though disarmed and no longer anxious to hiss ; while the young gentlemen in white gloves , fascinated in their turn by nana s gracious contours , lolled back in their seats and applauded 達蓋內坐在他的旁邊,笑著打量他,觀眾都笑起來,仿佛心情平靜下來了,再也不想吹口哨了而那些戴白手套的年輕先生們,也被娜娜的線條迷住了,個個神魂顛倒,鼓起掌來。

King kong sam hui was attacked by the robot black knight i which was sent by the italian mafia to avenge the capture of white gloves . he also hired an internationally notorious killer black gloves to kill king kong as well an diamond transfer deal with the underworld King kong許冠杰受到機械人黑霸王壹號的襲擊,它原來是意大利教父派來替白手襪報被捕之仇,他更請來超級殺手黑手襪殺king kong順道去進行黑市鉆石交易。

Now and again she glanced down at the body of the house , raising an arm which a white glove covered to the elbow and fanning herself with languid hand . the house dozed , almost deserted 她不時向樓下場子里張望一下,抬起她的一只戴白手套的胳膊,那手套一直套到胳膊肘,另一只手輕輕搖著扇子。

Furthermore , the eleven announced that others were to follow them , and , in fact , the door opened every few moments , and men in white gloves and official garb presented themselves 新來的一幫人還聲稱,還有一些人要來果然不錯,門不時被打開,又進來一些先生,他們戴著白手套,身著禮服。

King kong sam hui was attacked by the robot black knight i which was sent by the italian mafia to avenge the capture of white gloves King kong許冠杰受到機械人黑霸王壹號的襲擊,它原來是意大利教父派來替白手襪報被捕之仇,他更請來超級殺手黑手襪殺king kong順道去進行黑市鉆石交易。

I manage to bring her hand to my face long enough to put a blood - flecked kiss on the white glove . “ sure . ' m gonna try . 我設法帶她的手正對著長的充足把一個血-有斑點的吻放在白色的手套。 “確信。 '去試的m 。

Not only are the cars spotlessly clean , so are the drivers ? always wearing white gloves , a suit and a tie 不僅車子相當干凈、一塵不染,司機們也是一樣? ?總是戴白手套、穿西裝、打領帶。

Officers use the winter and summer service uniforms as parade uniforms by adding a brown leather belt and white gloves 軍官在使用冬常服和夏常服在正式場合要佩戴棕色皮帶和白手套。

She was wearing a pair of white gloves , a gold ring , a new watch and jewels at the ball that night 那天晚上在舞會上她戴著一副白手套,一枚金戒指,一塊新手表和珠寶首飾。

She was wearing a pair of white gloves ( a gold ring ; a new watch ) at the all that night 那天晚上在舞會上她戴著一副白手套(一枚金戒指、一塊新表) 。

White gloves dirty easily 白手套很容易臟

Well , don ' t fool yourself . they have claws underneath their white gloves 呵呵,別自欺欺人了。她們是笑里藏刀

The queen has more power in hertiny white gloves 女王手中擁有的權力

The queen has more power in hertiny white gloves . . 女王手中擁有的權力